SNE Research reported that LED lighting would hit its stride from 2014 as it regained its growth after 2013 and the main global companies has begun to be improved since 2013.
LED lighting market will lead the LED market with better commercial value as many governments applied regulatory measure of using incandescent light and gave political supports and technical development on lighting along with high efficiency and reduced price.
As the Minamata Convention on Mercury was agreed and formally adopted as international law Oct, 2013, production and sales of fluorescent light will be prohibited from 2020.
With mercury light regulations after incandescent lamp regulations, LED lighting would be fostered to cover fluorescent light as well as traditional incandescent light market. This fluorescent light regulation will raise LED permeability rate into the market even more. On reflection of this change ,SNE Research adjusted the rate of market permeation prospect from 68% to 82% in 2020.
While this positive prospect of LED is showed, ‘International LED & OLED EXPO 2014′, the Korea’s Largest LED Show will provide LED & OLED technology intensively, held on Jun 14th for four days at Kintex, Ilsan.’
Around 350 companies including domestically and internationally leading companies, will participate at the show. The show will open in association with Optronics Expo 2014 and invite high-level guest. International LED & Green Lighting Conference will, too ,open, which will make the exhibition hall more vibrant and rich.
LED industry is representative of new leading business as well as eco-friendly industry through integration of industries, and ‘International LED & OLED EXPO 2014′ has been acknowledged as the biggest LED show in Korea.
For more information about International LED & OLED EXPO 2014, visit website www.ledexpo.com / www.oledexpo.com. For ’International Optronics Expo 2014′ visit www.optronicsexpo.com. Or call 02-783-7979 or e-mail led@exponu.com.