
LEDinside: Five Major Trends in LED Backlit TV Market

The LED package market value reached US $13 billion in 2013, in which LEDs for TV backlight amounted to 20 percent, according to LEDinside’s latest “LED Residential Lighting and Backlight Market Trend” report. LED backlighting have almost completely replaced all CCFL light sources in TV backlight, however, with market penetration rates reaching a pinnacle the market faces threats of market saturation. Below are five major trends in the LED backlighting market:
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Cree Allies with Taiwanese Manufacturer to Reclaim Market Share

The new agreement between leading U.S. LED manufacturer Cree and Taiwan electronics firm Lextar, which stipulates Cree will invest $US 83 million in the Taiwanese firm, comes as a surprise, according to LEDinside, a subsidiary of the Taiwan-based market research firm TrendForce. Under the agreement, Cree and Lextar will also cooperate on LED chip supply and royalty-bearing licenses for certain Cree LED chips. 
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Global LED Bulb Prices Stabilized in July 2014

LED bulb prices stabilized in July 2014, according to a latest report from LEDinside, a research subdivision of TrendForce. The research organization noted, in general the global market underwent small price fluctuations. Only a few markets had seen large price fluctuations because of sales promotions, and overall bulb prices declined the most in Germany.
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LED Equipped 3D Microscope Probes into Brain for Images

A University of Utah team discovered a method for turning a small, US $40 needle into a 3-D microscope capable of taking images up to 70 times smaller than the width of a human hair. This new method not only produces high-quality images comparable to expensive microscopes, but may be implanted into the brains of living mice for imaging at the cellular level.
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Chinese Manufacturers Hot on Nichia Heels in LED Package Market, says LEDinside

The quickly spreading LED lighting market has attracted international manufacturers to enter China’s LED package market, according to the latest “China’s LED Package Industry Market Report 2014” by LEDinside, a subdivision of global market research organization TrendForce. In 2013, the Chinese LED package market value was up 20% Year-on-Year (YoY) to US$7.2 billion. Top 10 ranking manufacturers in the industry clinched a combined market share of 43.6%. 
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Production Issues Restrict Apple’s Sapphire Cover iPhone 6 Release, Analyzes LEDinside

Despite Apple’s plans of launching the iPhone 6 in late 2014, optical demands in handheld devices failed to generate price upticks in the sapphire substrate industry, according to LEDinside, a research subdivision of market-research organization TrendForce. 
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LED Bulb Prices on the Chinese Market Fell the Most in June 2014

Price falls were most evident in China last quarter, according to latest LED bulb retail price reports by LEDinside, a research division of TrendForce. Globally, the 40W equiv. LED bulbs Average Selling Price (ASP) grew incrementally by 0.9 percent to US $14.4, while ASP for 60W equiv. LED bulbs was slightly down by 0.6% to US $19.4 in June 2014.
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Chinese TV Brands’ Rise Drives Backlight-use LED Manufacturers to Intensify Backlight Market Strategy, says TrendForce

Global shipment proportions for Chinese TV brands are increasing yearly, with the possibility to reach 28 percent in 2014, according to the latest China LED Package Industry Market Report from LEDinside, a division of research organization TrendForce. Six Chinese TV brands will benefit the most from domestic demands in 2014. LED manufacturers beginning to pay more attention to opportunities in this market segment due to low in-house LED production capacity of Chinese TV brands and low strategic alliance among LED manufacturers. The supply chain for Chinese TV brands has started to change. Once reliant on Taiwanese and Korean LEDs, Chinese package manufacturers is starting to change as price competition heats up and technology matures. 
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Lighting-use LED Market Scale Hits US $4.88B, says TrendForce

The global high brightness LED market scale reached US $14.4 billion this year and is estimated to increase to US $16.6 billion by 2018, with a compound growth rate of 4%, according to “2014 LED Supply and Demand Data Base” by LEDinside, a LED research division of TrendForce. The LED package market value for lighting applications will reach US $4.88 billion and maintain market share of 34%. 
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TrendForce Projects PSS Market Value in 2014 to reach US$ 711 million

Strong LED market demands this year have led to patterned sapphire substrate (PSS) manufacturers expanded production capacity, according to “2014 Global Sapphire Substrate Market Report” by LEDinside, a LED research division of TrendForce. The 4-inch PSS market current supply shortage situation was mostly caused by Taiwanese and Chinese LED chip manufacturers introduction of large volume PSS into products, and manufacturers shift towards 4-inch PSS production. However, since manufacturers are expected to expand PSS production by the end of the year, tightened market supply conditions are expected to ease. 
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LEDinside: Top Four Challenges in the Chinese LED Industry

During the first half of 2014, China’s LED industry kept up high growth rates, a trend extended from 2013. Industry insiders have reached a consensus that LED lighting demands will propel this trend well into 2016. Related industries have started production expansion, talent headhunt, and distribution channels establishment. These companies have stuck it out during the LED industry’s initial restructure phase, and do not want to miss out on the exponentially growing LED lighting market.
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Epistar Merger with FOREPI to Ease LED Chip Price Falls, says TrendForce

Taiwan-based manufacturers Epistar and FOREPI today announced merge plans. Through conversion of shares, FOREPI will become a 100 percent fully owned subsidy of Epistar. The trend of acquisitions within the LED industry will continue in 2014, observed LEDinside, a research division of TrendForce. Epistar’s merger with FOREPI will improve production capacity, cost management, as well as client and product integration. After the merge, the two companies will also be able to jointly resist market threats from Chinese LED chip manufacturer San’an Optoelectronics (San’anOpto). 
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Chinese LED Lighting Package Manufacturers on the Rise, Analyzes TrendForce

Chinese LED package manufacturers sales performance in 2013 was mediocre, the LED package market value was up slightly by 16 percent due to plunging prices, according to the latest “2014 Chinese Package Industry Market Report” by LEDinside, a research division of TrendForce. 
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Apple's iWatch to Spur Sapphire Market Demands in 2015, Analyzes LEDinside

Apple’s iWatch to be released in late 2014 will be using sapphire watch covers, according to the latest “2014 Global Sapphire Market Report” by LEDinside, a research division of TrendForce. iWatch sapphire watch covers are expected to account for six percent of global sapphire market demands, the research organization projected.
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Commercial Lighting Penetration Rate Could Reach 23% in 2014, says LEDinside

Global LED commercial lighting market penetration rate this year soared, with growth projected to reach 23% by the end of the 2014, according to the latest “2Q14 Silver Member- Commercial Lighting Market” by LEDinside a research division of TrendForce.   
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TrendForce: Manufacturers Maintain Conservative Outlook Towards Production Expansion Despite High LED Order Visibility

LED price for lighting applications have dropped around 3-7 percent in 2Q14. Similarly, backlight-use LED prices have also seen a decline, dipping around 5-10 percent, with direct-type TV backlight-use LEDs decreasing by 13 percent due to fierce market competition, according to the recent price report from LEDinside, the green energy research division of TrendForce.
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LEDinside: Sapphire Substrate Manufacturers Market Strategies as Chinese LED Market Demands Soar

May 27, 2014---The Chinese LED market has seen a rapid rise in demands. Expansion plans by several LED chip manufacturers boosted sapphire substrate demands. Sapphire substrate manufacturers are speeding up Chinese market strategies, due to high tariffs and emergence of Chinese LED chip manufacturers, according to the latest “2014 Global Sapphire Substrate Market Report” by LEDinside, a research division of TrendForce.
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LEDinside: San’an Opto and Epistar Combined Take More than 50% of China’s LED Chip Market Share

May 15, 2014---LED chip market scale reached RMB 9 billion (US$1.45 billion) in China in 2013, a YoY of 16%, according to the latest “2014 Chinese LED Package Industry Market Report” by LEDinside, a research division of TrendForce. 
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International LED Package Manufacturers Contend for Market Share in China, says Trendforce

China’s LED package industry market scale reached US $7.2 billion in 2013, up 20 percent from the year before, according to the recent “2014 China Package Industry Market Report” from LEDinside, a green energy research division of TrendForce. China has become the largest manufacturer of LED products. Rapidly increasing LED lighting penetration rate is driving up LED component demand volume, making China the most contended market among LED package manufacturers.
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Taiwan Can Save 10 Billion kWh Annually with LED Lighting Upgrade, says TrendForce

As Taiwan becomes embroiled in nuclear energy debates, pro-nuclear and anti-nuclear activists are becoming focused on alternative energy solutions and energy saving benefits. Taiwan could cut 45% of energy consumption by simply overhauling current luminaires with LEDs, resulting in lower power consumption and redistribute energy resources, according to a joint study by TrendForce research divisions LEDinside and EnergyTrend.  Considerable energy can be conserved from the lighting sector’s transformation alone, based on the research organization’s analysis of LED lights energy efficiency benefits, international market experience, and related statistics in Taiwan.
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Sapphire Substrate Applications Diversifying with Handset Mobile Devices in the Lead Again, Analyzes TrendForce

Out of sapphire substrate non-LED applications, mobile devices have shown strongest demands, according to “2014 Global Sapphire Substrate Market Report” by LEDinside, a research division of TrendForce. Sapphire substrate non-LED application is projected to reach 32% this year, with mobile device applications taking a 21% share, said LEDinside.
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Chinese Researchers Develop Phosphor-free White Light from Nanopyramid LEDs

For the cool white NPW LEDs, the spectrum is similar to the conventional white LEDs obtained from the blue LEDs combined with yellow phosphors. The blue emission originates from the upper sidewalls of nanopyramids, and yellow light is mainly emitted from the lower ridges with respect to the base of nanopyramids. 
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LEDinside: Global LED Outdoor Lighting Market Enters Maturation Phase

Affected by the global economic downturn, there has been rising number of city bankruptcies. In turn, city management are increasingly valuing sustainable development. Outdoor lighting construction and maintenance costs have gradually increased over the years in city public lighting expenditures. City managers are creating suitable living environment that uses low investment and maintenance costs and can be met on a limited budget. 
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LEDinside: Global LED Outdoor Lighting Market to Continue High Growth in 2014

Affected by the global economic downturn, there has been rising cases of city bankruptcies, which has led to city management increasing value of sustainable development. Among cities public lighting expenditures, outdoor lighting construction and maintenance costs have gradually increased over the years. City managers are also focusing their attention to making suitable living environment on limited budgets with low investment and maintenance costs.
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LEDinside: Six Main Trends to Look Out for in 2014

Leaving 2013 behind, the LED industry is optimistic about the  2014 market. The editorial staff of  LEDinside in China has compiled a list of six research articles analyzing the future trends anticipated for 2014 including lighting, backlighting, and flash LED.   
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LEDinside Analysts Unveil 2014 LED Market Trends at Seminar in China

LEDinside analysts revealed 2014 LED market trends during the LEDinside Chief Analyst Market Seminar organized by TrendForce at Shenzhen Marco Polo, China on Dec. 19, 2013. Renowned LED brands including Cree, Samsung Electronics, HC Semitek Corp., Refond and Honglitronics attended the seminar. The main agenda of the seminar was to discuss global LED trends in 2014 and Chinese market developments. LEDinside analysts approached the subject from lighting, backlight and package perspectives to give a comprehensive analysis. Below are some of the trends observed by LEDinside analysts:
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LEDinside: Direct-type LED TV Penetration Rate Surpasses 60% in 2014

Spurred by Chinese TV manufacturers’ demands, LED TV penetration rates reached 95% in 2013, according to LEDinside, a subsidiary of global research institute TrendForce. The organization estimates LED TV will completely replace CCFL by 2014, and annual LED TV shipment volume will grow at YOY 3% to 209 million. However, LED for backlight TV applications market value is expected to decrease 17% to US$ 2.41 billion. The main cause behind LED TVs growing shipment volume, but lower market value has been direct-type LED TVs reduced usage of LEDs and its high penetration rate of more than 60% in 2014. Compared to edge-type LED TVs, direct-type LED TVs only uses half the number of LEDs.
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LEDinside: LED Lighting and Smartphone Applications Demands Leads to Sapphire Substrate Manufacturers Production Expansions

Spurred by LED lighting and mobile device market demands, sapphire substrate manufacturers have been actively expanding their production capacity, according to TrendForce subsidiary LEDinside’s “Global Sapphire Substrate Market 2013” research report. The top five sapphire ingot manufacturers for instance, have seen 2-inch equiv. sapphire substrate monthly production capacity grow by 75% to 7800Kmm compared to 2012.
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LEDinside 2014 Lighting Level Package / Lighting Market Outlook

4Q13 Silver+ Member Report- Outline Lighting Market Development Trend-Outline Lighting Level Package Market Trend- Product Development and Strategy  Trend One: Rising Commercial, Industrial And Outdoor Lighting Markets Trend Two: Mid Power LED Market Value To Surpass High Power LED For The First Time in 2013
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LEDinside 2014 Backlight / Lighting Level Package / Lighting Market Outlook

4Q13 Silver+ Member Report- Outline Lighting Market Development Trend-Outline Lighting Level Package Market Trend- Product Development and Strategy  Trend One: Rising Commercial, Industrial And Outdoor Lighting Markets
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Samsung has been driving digital heath innovation to help simplify health and wellness by bringing together insights and metrics to offer a more impactful and streamlined wellness experience. This approach starts by improving access to simple ... READ MORE