
Signify and NEMA Highlight the Essentiality of Lighting during COVID-19 Crisis

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) in the U.S. and lighting company Signify published press releases to state the importance of lighting under the threat of COVID-19 pandemic. (Image: Pixabay) NEMA and members of its Lighting Systems Division addressed that lighting and lighting system manufacturers are essential businesses and requested that all government agencies should exclude lighting and lighting systems device manufacturers from stay-home policy to fully support the requirement of public’s needs for lit, safe, and secure envi...
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NEMA Publishes New Standard for LED Lamps; Lighting Europe Announces Guidelines for EU’s New Lighting Products Regulation

With new technology and products emerging in the market, public sectors and associations continue to update regulations and standards, helping manufacturers and consumers to better understand the current specifications of different products. The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) published a new standard “American National Standard for Electric Lamps— Performance Specifications for Direct Replacement LED Lamps,” describing the electrical, mechanical, and photometric characteristics of LED lamps that are direct replacements for ...
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NEMA Publishes New Standard for Street Lighting

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) published “American National Standard for Roadway and Area Lighting Equipment - Luminaire Four-Pin Extension Module and Receptacle—Physical and Electrical Interchangeability and Testing.” This new Standard provides mechanical and electrical specifications for interfacing street and area lighting with controls and sensor accessories. (Image: Pixabay) According to NEMA, the standard was developed for use by roadway and area lighting manufacturers, municipalities, and utilities. T...
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NEMA Issues New Roadway and Outdoor Lighting Standard Adding LED Technology

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published new guideline for outdoor luminaires and roadway and area lighting equipment with LED technology added. The NEMA LSD 80-2018 Installation Guidelines for Outdoor Luminaires—Grounding Considerations addresses the application of the National Electrical Safety Code® (NESC) as it pertains to the grounding of outdoor luminaires and recommends installation guidelines. New outdoor luminaries contain more electronics (e.g., LED lamps, electronic drivers, and electronic lighting ...
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NEMA Calls on Secretary of Energy to Complete Rulemaking for General Service Lamps

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has formally requested that the Secretary of Energy complete a rulemaking for general service lamps (light bulbs) that Congress required in the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA-2007). 
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Energy and Manufacturing Coalition: America Can Do Better with Its Essential Transmission Infrastructure

A coalition of groups representing a broad spectrum of U.S. manufacturing, construction, energy and environmental workers are calling for Congress to include electric transmission provisions in any proposed infrastructure legislation and streamline expansion of U.S. electrical infrastructure.
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NEMA: LED A-Line Shipments Increased in 3Q16

LED A-line lamps continue to grow, accounting for 32.4% of the market in third quarter 2016, and posting a 124.2% increase in shipments compared to 3Q 2015. They posted a 65.1% quarter-over-quarter increase in the third quarter of 2016 compared to the previous quarter. Halogen, Incandescent, and CFLs all posted a quarter-to-quarter decrease, 7.5%, 17.2%, and 12.8% respectively. Incandescent lamp shipments showed a 5.6 % increase in 3Q 2016 compared to 3Q 2015 while halogen and CFLs posted an 11 percent and 53.9% decrease for the same time period.
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NEMA Publishes New White Paper on How to Reduce Energy Consumption in Commercial Buildings

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) published a white paper that discusses new requirements that help reduce energy consumption in commercial buildings. NEMA WD ARCP 1-2016 Automatic Receptacle Control to Meet ASHRAE 90.1-2010 and California (CA) Title 24 explains the controlled receptacle requirement now appearing within non-residential energy codes, as well as a summary of typical application settings.
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NEMA Electroindustry Business Conditions Index (EBCI) Drops below 50 by Uncertain Political and Monetary Outlook

The six month run of NEMA’s Electroindustry Business Conditions Index (EBCI) scoring 50 or higher has ended with September’s result of 47.1. Dropping below 50 suggests that current conditions are no longer conducive for expansion in the electrical manufacturing sector. Only 24% of respondents reported better conditions in September, versus 33% last month. The share of respondents reporting worse conditions nearly doubled from 17% in August to 29% this month, while the proportion of panel members who noted unchanged conditions showed little movement—47% this time compared to 50% last month.
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NEMA Announces Reaffirmed ANSI C78.1431 American National Standard for Electric Lamps

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) announced that ANSI Accredited Standards Committee C78 reaffirmed ANSI C78.1431American National Standard for Electric Lamps—Slide Projector Lamps, Condensing, Dichroic, Two-inch (51 mm), Integral Reflector, Rim Reference Tungsten-Halogen Lamps with GY 5.3 Bases. This standard consolidates the lamps commonly used for slide projectors into a single standard. The lamps contained in this standard are not to be considered as interchangeable—they will all fit the common socket used for these lamps. 
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NEMA Elects Four New Board of Governors Members

In a July 14 meeting, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) Board of Governors elected four new members to the board, including Annette Kay Clayton, Chief Executive Officer and President of North America Operations and chief supply chain officer for Schneider Electric, Schneider Electric North America; Lee Cooper, president and CEO of GE Healthcare U.S. and Canada; Jack Nehling, president of Phoenix Contact USA; and Rich Stinson, president and CEO of Southwire Company.
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NEMA Members Appointed to New U.S.-Mexico Energy Business Council

The U.S. Department of Commerce on June 30 announced appointees to the newly established U.S.–Mexico Energy Business Council. Four appointees are Members of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA): Julian Alzate, director of international relations at Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc.; R. Craig Breese, president of Honeywell Mexico, Honeywell International Inc.; Vernon Murray, vice president and general manager for Mexico and Northern Latin America at Emerson Process Management; and Darryl Wilson, vice president and chief commercial officer at GE Energy Connections. These NEMA Members, as well as the six others appointed, will serve two-year terms on the council.
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NEMA’s Business Conditions Indexes Continue Upward Climb in June

June marks the third consecutive month in which NEMA’s Electroindustry Business Conditions Index (EBCI) improved. The current conditions index increased from May’s reading of 53.3 to reach 59.4 in June. More respondents saw change in business conditions, for better or worse, than did so in May. Thirty-eight percent of respondents reported better conditions in June, up from only 20% of those responding in May while 19% indicated worse conditions, up from 13% in the previous month. Forty-four percent noted that conditions were unchanged this month, down considerably from the 67% reporting unchanged conditions in May.
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NEMA Publishes White Paper on Considerations of Field LED Driver Replacement

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) published NEMA LSD 74-2016 Considerations of Field LED Driver Replacement. This new white paper discusses issues related to the field replacement of drivers in LED lighting fixtures, and how several aspects must be considered to ensure that the replacement driver will function the same as the original driver.
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NEMA Urges DOE to Improve Border Enforcement

In written comments filed with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) emphasized its support for federal energy conservation standards and efforts by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to prevent noncompliant products from entering the country. However, NEMA expressed concern about the DOE’s strategy regarding noncompliant products and recommends that government agencies better utilize available data to protect consumers from illegal imports.
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NEMA Sides with Consumers on Keeping Diverse Bulb Choices in U.S.

In written comments filed with the U.S. Department of Energy by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), U.S. lighting manufacturers reaffirmed their position that consumers should have multiple options when selecting the type of light bulbs to purchase. NEMA's comments took issue with requirements in a Department of Energy (DOE) proposed energy efficiency rule aimed at forcing the exclusive adoption of LED bulbs, thereby denying consumer choice and disrupting the ongoing and rapid market transition to energy-efficient lighting.
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NEMA Current Business Condition Index Downshifts to Neutral in April

NEMA's Electroindustry Business Conditions Index (EBCI) continued its recent volatile behavior, dropping to a neutral 50 points in April after surging to 64.7 in March from 44.4 in February. Nineteen percent of panelists reported conditions improved in April, down from 41% in March. Another 19% reported the business environment worsened in April, up from 12% in March. The vast majority, though, claimed conditions were unchanged in April, up from the 47% who held this view a month ago.
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NEMA Praises U.S. Senate Approval of Energy Policy Modernization Act

Today, the U.S. Senate passed the Energy Policy Modernization Act by a vote of 85-12. This vote comes four months after a December 3, 2015, vote in the U.S. House of Representatives on its comprehensive energy legislation, the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act.
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NEMA Business Conditions Indexes Spikes up Sharply in March

NEMA’s Electroindustry Business Conditions Index (EBCI) for current conditions in North America surged in March, climbing to 64.7 from 44.4 the previous month as more panelists reported conditions improved than eroded. Compared to February, a larger share of the survey panel reported that business conditions improved (41% in March compared to 22% in February) and a smaller share reported that they deteriorated (12% in March compared to 33% in February). Forty-seven percent claimed conditions were unchanged in March, similar to the share holding this view a month ago.
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ANSI Accredited Standards Committee C78 Reaffirms Six Lighting Standards

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) announced that ANSI Accredited Standards Committee C78 reaffirmed six standards now available for purchase on the NEMA website. 
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NEMA: LED A-Line Lamp Shipments Posts Soaring Growth in 2015

LED A-line lamps surged 226.7% during 4Q15 on a year-over-year basis. Meanwhile, halogen A-line lamps posted a year-over-year increase of 8.7%, and incandescent A-line lamps increased by 7.8 % while compact fluorescents lamps (CFL) dropped 56%. Compared to 3Q15, LED shipments rose 18.4 percent, halogen A-lines increased 0.8%, and CFL shipments saw a quarter-to-quarter increase of 6.5%. In contrast, incandescent A-line lamp shipments decreased 16.7% on a quarter-over-quarter basis.
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NEMA Business Conditions Indexes Downed in February

NEMA’s Electroindustry Business Conditions Index (EBCI) for current conditions in North America fell back in February, dropping to 44.4 from 50 the previous month as more panelists reported conditions eroded than improved. Compared to January, smaller shares of the survey panel reported both that business conditions improved (22% in February compared to 41% in January) and that they deteriorated (33% in February compared to 41% in January). A plurality of panelists (44%) claimed conditions were unchanged in February. A considerably smaller 18% held this view a month ago.
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CEC Implements New LED Lighting Standards Despite Objections Raised by NEMA

The California Energy Commission adopted first-in-the-nation energy standards for the next generation of light bulbs. The standards cover small-diameter directional lamps, often used in track lighting, and general purpose light-emitting diodes - commonly called LEDs - used to replace typical existing home lighting.
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NEMA Claims CEC LED Color Temperature Requirements will Raise Bulb Costs

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) called on the California Energy Commission (CEC) again today to ensure that California consumers have access to the most efficient, cost-effective, and preferred LED bulbs currently on the market. A proposal under consideration at the CEC that could be voted on as early as January 27, 2016, if approved, will be the first instance in which the CEC pursues regulatory action that will reduce potential energy savings, increase the cost of energy-saving products for California consumers, and make it less likely that California consumers will want to buy these products.
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NLB: NEMA 3Q15 Lighting Index Performance Best in 7-Years

Demand for lighting equipment jumped 4.4% between the second and third quarters of 2015 to achieve what the National Lighting Bureau hails as “the best quarterly performance since the second quarter of 2008.” The dramatic improvement – a 4.8% year-over-year gain – was revealed by data developed by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) for the NEMA Lighting-Systems Index (LSI). According to NLB Executive Director John Bachner, “Three months ago we said that ‘lighting-equipment demand is moving in the right direction’ and “We’re optimistic that the next report will show continued growth over the third quarter.’ Our optimism has been justified; in fact, it has been more than justified. Lighting’s back!”
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NEMA Business Conditions Indexes Contracts Last December

NEMA's Electroindustry Business Conditions Index (EBCI) for current conditions in North America fell to 41.2 in December as a larger share of panelists reported conditions deteriorated than reported they improved. The December reading represented a substantial decline from November's reading of 58.3. Meanwhile, the EBCI for future North American conditions slipped to 52.9 in December from 55.6 in November.
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NEMA Argues California LED Color Temperature Regulations Will Make Lights Less Efficient

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) called on the California Energy Commission (CEC) today to ensure that California consumers have access to the most efficient and cost-effective LED bulbs currently on the market.
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NEMA Reports Strong Quarter for LED A-Line Lamps, Lighting System Components Shows Mixed Results

LED A-line lamps posted another strong showing in 2015Q3, surging 237.2% during the quarter on a year-over-year basis. Halogen A-line lamps posted a year-over-year increase of 33.0%. In contrast, incandescent A-line lamps decreased by 31.5% while compact fluorescents lamps (CFL) dropped 28.0 percent. Compared to 2015Q2, LED shipments rose 17.2%, while halogen A-lines increased 4.6%. CFL shipments saw a quarter-to-quarter decrease of 16.3% and incandescent A-line lamp shipments decreased 16.5%.
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NEMA Praises U.S. DOE’s Regulatory Decision Affecting HID Lamps as Traditional Lighting Shipment Declines

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) commends the U.S. Department of Energy on its Dec. 2, 2015 decision that mandatory energy conservation standards for high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps are not technically feasible or economically justified. Furthermore, the DOE determined that higher energy conservation standards for HID lamps would not yield significant energy savings for the nation.
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NEMA’s EBCI Climbs over 50 Points in November Yet Future Readings Slipped

NEMA's Electroindustry Business Conditions Index (EBCI) for current conditions in North America measured 58.3 in November as a larger share of panelists reported conditions improved (33%) than reported they deteriorated (17%). The November EBCI reading was a substantial increase from the 44.7 recorded in October. In contrast, the EBCI for future North American conditions fell to 55.6 in November, down from 68.4 in October.
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The prior blog titled “Nichia’s contribution to a realization of a mercury-free society” took a short break. However, there was a release about new LED-based water disinfection devices made by Miura Co., Ltd., a Japanese manu... READ MORE

Violumas aims to provide the best variety of high-performance UVA, UVB, and UVC LEDs, encapsulated with the highest quality fused silica optics. The wide selection of beam angles (30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, and 135°) allows Violu... READ MORE